FOKAL’s mission

couverturePromote the structures necessary for the establishment of a just and durable democratic society, based on individual and collective autonomy and responsibility;

Support the autonomy of individuals by fostering critical thinking, clear judgment, accountability, creativity and free cooperation through education, training and communication;

Reinforce the organizational processes which promote within groups the capacity to acquire, share and compare knowledge and know-how for an active participation in the administration of public affairs and the full development of social, cultural and community life.



FOKAL has chosen to target populations that are most apt to become agents for change in Haitian society: children and youth, civil society and grassroots associations, and historically marginalized sectors such as peasants and women.


We believe in the value and dignity of every human being. Everyone has the right to respect and dignity. FOKAL's mission is to promote individual autonomy, critical thinking, judgment, sense of responsibility, initiative, creativity and cooperation through education, training and communication. We respect our partners both our beneficiaries and those who help us in our efforts to accomplish this mission. These values can be found in all our programs and initiatives: Martissant Park, Architectural Heritage, Sustainable Development, Education, Youth Initiatives, Media, Library, Art and Culture, Resource Center and Support to civil society

We believe in the duty to remember and the fight against impunity. FOKAL also seeks to promote the structures necessary for the establishment of a democratic, just and solidary society based on autonomy and individual and collective responsibility. Since 1995, FOKAL has supported initiatives working on memory and the fight against impunity. Various programs of the Foundation in partnership with civil society associations and academia regularly organize public events, training and research workshops on these fundamental issues for our present and our future. This approach is strongly rooted in our University partnership program, which also offers scholarships to young people who do not have access to higher education.We believe in civic engagement and citizen participation. FOKAL also aims at strengthening the organizational processes by which the critical spirit is exercised and promote within groups the capacity to acquire, share and compare knowledge and know-how for an active participation in the administration of public affairs and the full development of social, cultural and community life. We encourage the involvement and participation of different sectors of society. In our programs, we value the inclusion of citizens. The Foundation supports individual and community efforts to make their voices heard. The Art and Culture program strongly illustrates these values through its annual call for proposals focused on the themes of creativity and social change.We believe in supporting communities to improve their living conditions. Since 1995, FOKAL has been supporting sectors of society that are driving change, with a particular focus on children and youth, civil society associations and historically marginalized sectors such as the peasantry and women. This value is reflected in the sustainable development grant program for small social enterprises, projects for environmental protection, reforestation, waste management and recycling, watershed protection, reinforcement of peasant organizations, drinking water supply and initiatives in the field of agriculture, fisheries and livestock. As part of the Martissant Park project, FOKAL is continuously working in the neighborhood to improve the quality of life and encourage responsible citizenship.

We believe in gender equity and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms. Since 1995, FOKAL has supported initiatives to promote women's rights and gender equity, fight against inequality, discrimination and violence against women and access to justice. This value is exemplified in the Human rights and civil society grant program as well as actions carried out in the Martissant neighborhood.We support the fight against discrimination based on race, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship. FOKAL supports individuals, associations and institutions involved in the fight against intolerance and discrimination. We believe in respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution and the Declaration of Human Rights. This value is illustrated in particular by grants, publications, exhibits and documentary films, including initiatives that promote a better understanding of Haitian-Dominican relations and the promotion of a culture of peace.We believe in promoting critical debate and tolerance. Since 1997, through its Youth Initiative program, FOKAL has developed the skills of young people in debate based on civic values. Debate allows young people to exercise their critical thinking by discussing the pros and cons of an issue, constructing an argument, and conducting research independently. They have the opportunity to discuss themes that affect their lives and that of their community in a tolerant and rational atmosphere. Fourteen youth clubs are learning critical thinking, speaking and civic engagement across the country.

We believe in integrity and honesty in relationships and practices. Integrity and honesty are values that are promoted in FOKAL’s actions and administration. These qualities are put into practice by each and every one of our employees and guide our actions. Honesty and integrity help promote a positive work environment that builds trust in our relationships with our partners, donors and beneficiaries. The administration of FOKAL is strongly solicited and works to offer the best possible service.

We believe in youth empowerment. Since 1997, FOKAL, through various programs, offers young people in Haiti activities that develop critical thinking, knowledge, entrepreneurship, argumentation, tolerance and creativity. Since the opening of the resource center in 2003, cultural and artistic activities have enabled young people to meet with established Haitian and foreign artists, exhibit their works or attend conferences.

We believe in the production and circulation of quality information. From 1995 to 2010, FOKAL supported through grants, the work of community radio stations across the country. The Media Program was created in 2010 to support the work of Haitian journalists and media in the production and diffusion of balanced and quality information. Through this program, FOKAL promotes access to information and communication. FOKAL supports the training of young photographers and videographers, the development of documentary works and their dissemination. The weekly newsletter "Nouvèl FOKAL" of the communication program also makes it possible to inform a wide public about the great diversity of actions and commitments of the Foundation and its partners.We believe in promoting the common good and strengthening public space. The devastating earthquake of 12 January 2010 has led the Foundation to reflect on actions taken since 1995. Work on the environment, access to information, innovative education, community development, access to drinking water through a consultative process, support to civil society and the artistic world became realistic avenues for the implementation of new projects. We are working to create innovative sustainable reconstruction models that are conscious of the physical and human environment, either through the development plan of the Martissant neighborhood or the project to safeguard the architectural heritage.We believe in access to knowledge and information. Since 1997, FOKAL has been working to make books and information accessible to all through the Library program. Twenty small local libraries receive financial support, book donations and technical support. They are most often managed by groups of young people supported by the community, located in the marginal districts of the capital, in small provincial towns and in the countryside. Since 2012, the bookmobile "Bibliotaptap" travels the streets of Port-au-Prince, offering free books, magazines and children related activities.



143, Avenue Christophe BP 2720 HT 6112 Port-au-Prince,Haïti

Tel : (509) 2813-1694

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