Martissant Park spaces

The Martissant park has several spaces already open to the public. To visit these spaces, you can consult directly the site of the Park of Martissant :

The Memorial Garden

Parc MartissantThis memorial was inaugurated in January 2012 to pay tribute to the victims of the 2010 earthquake and to allow the inhabitants who still carry in their body and in their souls the traces of the disaster to remember and continue to live in a new dignity and citizenship. It is a place of memory within the park for thousands of deaths, disappearances, innumerable handicaps, houses and various infrastructures destroyed in the country.


The medicinal plants garden

Jardin medicinal1The medicinal herb garden is a learning center for visitors and a place of reference for those who promote healing by plants. It has 400 Haitian or foreign plants of 150 different species that have special healing qualities. The garden is located on the former property of the dancer, anthropologist and African American choreographer Katherine Dunham. The garden was designed and built by Raul, Winifred and Anik Galvan. The organization of the garden was conceived by Marilise Rouzier, biologist and specialist in medicinal plants, and Christine Audain-Chenet, landscape artist.


The library of Katherine Dunham Cultural Center

CCKDThe Library of Katherine Dunham Cultural Center is an original and comfortable building for study and reading. The architects Raúl Galvan Yañez and Winifred Jean Galvan of the firm Espace et Structures have designed the library in five modules whose roofs seem to imitate dance movements. The library hosts activities for the promotion of reading, conferences, screenings, a children's area and a computer room.


The bibliotaptap

Le programme BibliothequeA bibliotaptap is a mobile library designed on the model of taptap, a mode of public transportation used in Haiti. It offers reading and animation services in public spaces and schools. It is a project initiated in 2012 by the French organization Bibliothèque sans frontières (BSF), and three Haitian partners: the Fondation Connaissance et Liberté (FOKAL), the Direction Nationale du Livre (DNL) and the National Library of Haiti BNH). This project, initially financed by the European Union and the Digicel Foundation to meet the demand for public reading after the 2010 earthquake, resulted in the creation of three mobile libraries. 

Community Garden

fresqueThe community garden is a space dedicated to stimulate awareness of Martissant students to the protection of the environment. The aim is to inspire young people with a special sensitivity for the environment, reconnect them with the forest heritage of the country and encourage them to manage their waste in their neighborhood. Each week, between 60 and 80 students and 5 teachers visit the garden with a team from the park. Approximately 1,000 Martissant students participate in activities annually. The community garden is part of the educational component Urban Management project.

The human rights mural

Situated within the Habitation Leclerc compound, the human rights fresco is the result of an ongoing training on human rights with young people from Martissant. It is a long white wall 25 meters long and 1.5 meters high, on which there are bubbles like large leaves hanging from each other , forming a sort of chain. In each bubble, there is a drawing that represents one of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The French architect Françoise Schein, of the association Inscrire ( organized these workshops with 160 young people from the neighborhood.

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