Urban management in Martissant

ZAC de Martissant 2The urban planning area of Martissant (Zone d’aménagement concertée ZAC) was created by presidential decree in 2007. It is a site of 1.5 km² or 150 ha located between the 2nd communal section of Port-au-Prince known as Morne l'Hôpital and Martissant, the 3rd communal section. Le Morne l'Hôpital is attached to the massif of La Selle, south of the Haitian capital. The summit is the Peak Fourmi (1044 m), close to Boutiliers. Le Morne l'Hopital pours its dripping waters into the Bois de Chêne ravine, which runs through the center of Port-au-Prince and into the ravine Salée which leads to Martissant. It is therefore a special area that the municipality of Port-au-Prince delegates to a public institution for urban planning.

In the case of the Martissant ZAC, the Public Works and Housing Construction Unit (UCLBP) of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication that is responsible for implementation the development plan.



Main axes

Five main axes are defined for the activities in the Martissant ZAC, area surrounding the Martissant Park:

Water and sanitation

For the "water and sanitation" axis, several interventions are underway in collaboration with the National Office for Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA), and in coordination with the operator in charge of actions on access to drinking water, protection of source perimeters and ravines in the rural area of the ZAC, as well as liquid sanitation. FOKAL is responsible for the development of the Mangonès ravine. Solid waste management is carried out with the Metropolitan Service for Collecting and Collecting Solid Waste (SMCRS) and the infrastructure with the Urban and Rural Facilities Maintenance Service (SEEUR) in interface with the community of the district according to a methodology promoting volunteerism.

Reduction of security problems in the area and citizenship

Electrification and installation of public lighting with the public company Electricité d'Haïti (EDH) and neighborhood groups are carried out along this axis. The establishment of a Community Resource Center with public services of the State, UCLBP, Port-au-Prince mayor’s office and local elected representatives (ASEC / CASEC) is also planned. Construction of the center begins in 2017. It is also a matter of promoting the development plan and urban planning regulations to the inhabitants of the area.

Economic development and environment

To promote economic development and protection of the environment, a buffer zone and the protection of the perimeter of the Leclerc spring are planned between the urbanized part of the ZAC and its rural part. A "company home" will be set up to oversee microenterprises within the Community Resource Center and to set up a support program for the improvement of the habitat. The team is also developing activities to create peri-urban gardens with the inhabitants of the neighborhood.

Innovation and excellence in education

UniversiteScholarships based on excellence are awarded each year in the schools of the neighborhood to more than 150 students. The project develops awareness-raising and environmental promotion activities, prevention of risks and disasters and health prevention in all schools in the ZAC with schoolchildren, teachers, school staff and parents.

Health and rights

The main mission of the health-rights project is to help the population of the Martissant ZAC access to better information and train key persons on health problems. For example, FOKAL is conducting a vector control campaign in the neighborhood by mobilizing volunteers who identify and treat larval breeding sites and then fumigate to prevent the spread of mosquitoes. The National Program for the Control of Malaria, Dengue Fever, Chikungunia, Zyka and Lymphatic Filariasis of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) remains a key partner. In addition, the team is also conducting socio-health surveys to better understand the health and hygiene situation in the neighborhood

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