Live here, Inhabit the world

008 tournage 12 janvier c valerie baeriswyl 2R6A0016January 12, 2010, 4:53 am, 7.3 on the Richter scale: Haiti is violently struck by a deadly earthquake that leaves tens of thousands of families in mourning, and countless injured.

January 12, 2021: eleven years later, in Port-au-Prince, devastated and abandoned neighborhoods still bear witness to the scale of the disaster that destroyed the capital.

Eleven years later ... In the coolness of January, as every year at this time, for many of us, the same inner tremor, the same dull anguish, the same pain, doubtless soothed, but never forgotten ...

Since 2012, FOKAL commemorates this date of January 12 at Martissant Park where a memorial is erected in memory of the missing.

It is also important not to forget this tragic day, officially declared "National Day of Reflection and Awareness on Haiti's Vulnerability regarding Risks and Disasters", to raise awareness among the population and remind people that we are not immune to the large-scale earthquake risks and their deadly consequences.

Eleven years later ... The world is weakening, Haiti is going from crisis to crisis. This year, due to the dual context of health and security crises, to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the earthquake, instead of a face-to-face ceremony, FOKAL and Martissant Park offered on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, an online program entitled “Live here, inhabit the world (Vivre ici, Habiter le monde” in French).

Eleven years later… Where are we? Through what have we been? The program "Vivre ici, Habiter le monde", shot at Maison Dufort, draws a journey that mixes films, songs and texts, with a conversation between Michèle Pierre-Louis and young artists as a common thread.

This journey tries to nourish memory, evoke a balance sheet, stimulate reflection, and outline paths towards a possible transformation.

This virtual commemoration, on Tuesday January 12 2021 was broadcasted live on Facebook and crossposted on many partners Platform. It gathered more than 50,000 views on Facebook after its broadcasting.

Here is a ling to the program, on our Youtube chanel. 






143, Avenue Christophe BP 2720 HT 6112 Port-au-Prince,Haïti

Tel : (509) 2813-1694

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