Media Program

Le programme MediaFrom 1995 to 2010, Fokal supported the work of community and non public radio stations.

The media program of FOKAL was created in 2010 to support the work of Haitian journalists and media in the production and diffusion of balanced and quality information and thus promote access to information in Haiti. It organizes screenings, lectures and debates on the subject of the media, the profession of journalist and themes important for the Haitian society that bring together journalists, activists, researchers, students and citizens. The media program supports collaborative media projects on journalistic investigation, as well as media research in Haiti. FOKAL supports the exchange and participation of Haitian journalists in conferences or internships abroad. Through this program, FOKAL promotes access to information and communication of populations in the provinces by supporting community radios in terms of equipment and training, but also the production of information in the provinces and their dissemination on a scale national. FOKAL supports the training of young photographers and videographers, the development of documentary works and their dissemination.

The media program collaborates with the Media and Documentary Photo Programs at Open Society Foundations. 





143, Avenue Christophe BP 2720 HT 6112 Port-au-Prince,Haïti

Tel : (509) 2813-1694

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